Electrodrive| Powered Assistance

Concept Design
Systems Architecture
Engineering Development
FEA Analysis
Production support
OH&S Risk Assessment


Moving modern
hospital beds with ease

To cope with heavier patients and more requirements, modern hospital beds are getting more complex and heavier. This improves patient care but makes moving beds around the hospital increasingly challenging for orderlies and ward staff. Electrodrive specializes in improving the safety and ease of these work practices which their range of electric bed movers.

The GZS Bed Mover provides powered assistance for the safe and agile movement of heavy modern hospital beds. Designed with bi-directional power and steering the GZS product provides superior maneuverability in tight spaces.


Combining sub-systems
in a cohesive product

The GZS project involved the engineering development and testing of a number of new engineering sub-systems, including: the silent bed hitching mechanism, bed lifting mechanism, the bi-directional drive system, battery charge and the control system.

THE 20 Tonne TUG

Moving 20 ton safely,
without emissions

A further example of the product development work completed with Electrodrive is the TugTough. An industrial power assistance tug which enables a single user to move a 20 tonne bin safely and efficiently without the use (and dirty emissions) of a diesel vehicle.

Trike assisted the Electrodrive engineering team in the development of the 20 Tonne TugTough and lift attachment. This involved concept design, detailed engineering development, fabrication documentation and production assistance.


Engineering systems
and structural analysis

The TugTough project involved the engineering development for both the Tug and the custom lift attachment.

This included: electrical drive system, ballast and traction, user controls, electro-hydraulic lift system, structural analysis of lift frame, hook and tug chassis, OH&S risk assessment.


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